The N.C. Department of Transportation is accepting applications for the 2022 Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Grant Initiative. The program provides funding for municipalities and counties across the state to develop comprehensive multimodal, bicycle, or pedestrian plans. Communities can apply for a variety of plan options to meet specific needs, including multimodal, bicycle, or pedestrian plans. In addition, the following options are available:
- Municipalities of all sizes and counties with populations of less than 100,000 with an existing bicycle or pedestrian plan may apply to update their plan if it is at least five years old.
- Municipalities with populations of less than 10,000 may apply for a Project Acceleration Plan – an abbreviated plan that prioritizes project identification and implementation.
The deadline for applications, to be submitted electronically, is May 9 at 5pm. Award recipients will be notified by August.
This program is jointly sponsored by the department’s Integrated Mobility Division (IMD) and the Transportation Planning Division. To date, $7.5 million has been awarded to 238 municipalities and six counties across the state through this program.
Proposals are divided and judged in geographical groups to help establish the equitable distribution of funding across the state. Selected recipients commonly include a diverse mix of municipalities from large cities to small towns.
Funded plans are not for one specific project but represent a comprehensive strategy for expanding bicycle and pedestrian opportunities within a community. The plans may address facilities, programs, policies and design guidelines that encourage safe walking and bicycling.
A webinar is scheduled for April 5, 2022, to provide more detailed information on the grant program and to answer questions from interested applicants.
For more information on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Grant Initiative, contact Bryan Lopez at 919-707-2606 or [email protected].