Patrick Reynolds brings you the World Famous Homead Show!
Weekdays from 9 am-11 am. Join Patrick for all the fun and entertainment. Patrick takes your phone calls, shares community happenings, birthdays, and anniversaries too. Got something to buy or sell? Everyone is welcome to call into the show.
Call 704-873-1400 or 844-STUDIO-4 (844-788-3464) and share your items “LIVE” on the HomeAd show with Patrick Reynolds.
You can email your items to:
You can drop your written items into the HomeAd mailbox at the back door of the radio station too.

HomeAd Courtesy:
- Please share no more than 3 items for sale, this keeps the show moving and allows more people to call into the show.
- If you are a business, please call our professional marketing department and we will help you advertise during the HomeAd show. The HomeAd call-in is for people at home.
- Please limit the number of times you call each week to 2x per week. Again, this allows for more people to be able to share their items with everyone.
- No alcohol, drugs, or the “vices”
- Be family-friendly
- Share a birthday or anniversary
- Looking to buy is fine too, “Looking for a 1964 chevy truck door?” Call into HomeAd, you might be surprised!
- If Pat gets in a hurry and has to cut off your call, it is not his fault. The radio station runs on a strict schedule and many breaks just automatically start, even if you and Pat are still talking.
- You are welcome to call in and share guns for sale. Many stations don’t allow it, but the last time we looked at the constitution it still says something about “arms.”
- Have fun!