Morning Star Baptist Church
We believe God has put us here to work for His glory and His honor. We strive to encourage the people of God to stand strong in the faith, to tell those without Christ that there is a God who loves them and gave His son for them, and to honor our Savior in all that we do in our lives and in the work at Morning Star Baptist Church. We love our church family! We love our community! We love our country! But most of all, we love the Lord Jesus Christ!!
We welcome you to visit with us and join us in worshiping the Savior.

Visit Morning Star Baptist Church
175 Young Mountain Road
Cleveland, NC 27013
Visit us online by clicking HERE
Sunday School – 10 a.m.
Sunday Morning Service – 11 a.m.
Sunday Evening Service – 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Evening Service – 7:30 p.m.
Listen to our recent broadcasts –
To download an mp3 file:
- Left-click once on the file you want to download to ‘highlight’ it in the list
- Right-click on the “CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD MP3” button that appears at top of the player and select “Save Link As…” (or similar wording)
- Select a location on your computer where you want to save the file
- Click “Save”
- Enjoy the program!
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