Cheri Beasley is having a bad week. She offered up a main course of word salad during the debate and has yet to recover, even having to cancel her schedule on Tuesday, leaving her adoring fans in the national press corps high and dry and so bored they even covered some Ted Budd events. Now her bad week just keeps getting worse with a new report highlighting how Cheri Beasley wants to end cash bail and that she believes there is “great value” in dismantling our criminal justice system. Sounds a lot like other Democrat senate candidates around the country who are suddenly in trouble.
So, yep, that’s right. Rather than being “a judge above the political fray” Cheri Beasley is just another radical liberal who wants to rid our country of the terrible concept known as law and order.
Being “for the criminals” is not new, Cheri Beasley spent her time on the bench making it easier for sex criminals to prowl NC communities. When you see children playing in your neighborhood, don’t forget, thanks to Cheri Beasley, rapists who prey on children roam free without GPS monitoring. Cheri Beasley cares more about a pedophile’s rights than the safety of women and children.