This forum will allow Iredell citizens to hear the candidates vision and plans for the future of Iredell. All candidates are invited and most have confirmed their attendance. Questions for consideration are still being submitted to Come join us Monday, January 15, 6:30 pm, Iredell Government Center 200 S Center St Statesville, NC 28677
Statesville Elks Lodge #1823 Pool Tournament every 3rd Wednesday of the month members and guest, it's a double elimination starts around 7-7:30. If you are interested and not a member just stop by the doors at the flagpole ring the bell a member will help you there. The kitchen is open for food, Elks Care […]
The Community Chest Food Pantry will be open on Sunday 07/16/23 from 1pm - 3pm. We are located at 274 Langtree Rd Mooresville NC, 28115. ALL welcome. No registration required.