By collectively working together, Food Lion’s customers, associates and Food Lion Feeds helped nourish neighbors in 2022 with more than 158 million meals, an increase of 6 million meals over 2021. Food Lion Feeds was founded in 2014 by Food Lion to address food insecurity in the towns and cities it serves. Contributing to that total, Food Lion associates, each dedicated to alleviating food insecurity, volunteered more than 17,000 hours, which equates to more than 5 million meals based on various beneficiary organizations’ meal equivalent formulas. The support comes at a time when Feeding America®, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization, and local member food banks throughout Food Lion’s 10-state footprint are seeking volunteers to address a greater need for food assistance due to increased food prices, supply chain disruptions and diminished food donations, among other factors impacting individuals and families. According to Feeding America, more than 53 million people turned to food banks, food pantries and other private food assistance programs in 2021.