Standard Terms of Service

  1. Payment Terms

- Late Fees: Invoices that are 30 days past due will incur late fees of $35 per month.

- Returned Checks: A $50 charge will be applied for any returned checks.

- Creative Work: Additional fees may apply for any creative work requested by the Client.

  1. Due Dates/Copy Changes

- Ad Reservation Deadline: The deadline for ad reservations (closing date) is the 15th of the month preceding the broadcast month.

- Submission of Materials: The deadline to receive ad materials is the 21st of the month preceding the broadcast month.

- Content Changes: Clients may change the content of their ads once within a six month period, but must notify WSIC of these changes by at least 30 days in advance of the month of the scheduled broadcast.

  1. Cancellations

- Post-Closing Cancellations: No cancellations are accepted after the initial run of an advertisement within the current term.

- Cancellation Notice: Advertisers who fail to notify WSIC of a cancellation prior to the initial run date will be required to pay the full price for the scheduled campaign.

- Cancellation Penalty: The penalty for cancellation is 30% of the per-month ad rate stated on the contract for each insertion not used. Cancellation is also subject to prorated payment (short-rate fees) of any discounts previously waived or discounted, including those for multiple ad insertions. The advertiser is also responsible for the reimbursement of any incurred creative, production, or other related fees. Cancellation will not be considered effective until all such fees, charges, and penalties are paid in full.

  1. Errors & Omissions

- WSIC will make every effort to ensure that client advertising information is accurate. However, WSIC assumes no financial responsibility for errors or omissions in advertisements as final script approval is at Client’s discretion.  

- Ad Approval:** All ad layouts created by WSIC must be approved by the client prior to broadcast. If no approval is provided within 24 hours of the final production day, the ad will run as per the last proof sent. WSIC is not responsible for errors in ads that were proofread by but not corrected by the client or their agency.


  1. Additional Terms

- Ad Placement: While WSIC makes every attempt to place advertisements in appropriate and related segments, placement or positioning is not guaranteed. Unless otherwise noted, all advertisements are pre-emptiable.

- Content Rights: All advertisements are accepted under the premise that the client has the rights to use and broadcast the content. WSIC is not responsible for any acts of libel that may result from broadcasting such advertisements.

- Creative Control: WSIC reserves the right to reject or cancel any ad, insertion order, or position commitment at any time.

- Liability: WSIC holds the client and/or their advertising agency liable for any money owed for ad space that was ordered and fulfilled at the request of the client and/or their agency.

- Force Majeure: WSIC is not liable for any delay or failure to broadcast advertisements due to circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to human error, acts of God, government actions, natural disasters, strikes, labor shortages, or any other condition that affects the production, scheduling, or broadcasting of WSIC content.

- Rates: Rates listed in the contract are binding unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by WSIC.

- Approval of Advertisements: An advertisement shall be considered fully approved upon approval of the written script outlining what will be included in the advertisement. No additional approval shall be required of Client after script approval in order to begin running an advertisement.

- Subject to Change: All terms are subject to change at the discretion of WSIC.